
Happy Easter from organizer Festyn Lotniczy Mazury...
"Tourist Product of the Year Warmia and Mazury" for the Aero Club of the Land of Lakes

On the occasion of this World Tourism Day the Regional Gala was held on 22 October 2008 in Elk under the slogan: "Tourism - challenges in the face of...
Invitation to XII European AN-2 Meeting

The Aero Club of Great Lakes District at Wilamowo airfield in the Mazury Great Lakes Region would like to invite pilots and fans of AN-2 airplanes to the 12th...
"The Best Product or Service in Warmia Mazury" Award for Aero Club of Land of Lakes

The Lakeland Aero-club has received 2008 a statue for “The Best Product and Service of Warmia-Mazury Region”. The prestigious distinction is...
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