[ 2011.10.04 ] Our candidate to the Senate!

Already in next Sunday will be held parliamentary elections. This year's elections would be for us, the members of the Aero Club of the Lake District, had a unique character, as of Senator's mandate applies AKJ president Stanislaw Tołwiński - nonpartisan candidate for the Senate. It is certainly a distinction and honor for our Aero Club that President Tołwiński decided at the instigation of many people from our region to apply for the Senate.

For our candidate-probably do not need to convince anybody. You only need to remind his most important initiative for the development and promotion of Masuria (Mazury Airshow, International rallies on the airports the Warmia and Masuria, Days of Remembrance of John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski) to say with full responsibility that this is a person who does not spare his time and energy to the best and most effectively achieve specified goals.

We all remember the edits one of the biggest events in our region - Mazury Airshow. Undoubtedly, this was one of the largest media events that showed our region from the other side - as a region, which hosts unique water-air demonstrations. But Mazury Airshow is not only exciting shows and aviation acrobatics in Gizycko, at the Niegocin lake. It is mainly an opportunity to show tourists from all over Poland and also from abroad.
The event we have seen in the largest national TV stations and other media of national coverage. This project was inspired and realized by Mr. Tołwiński which showed new possibilities, and many still unused assets, which we must "share" with tourists coming to us from all sides of Poland and Europe.

Stanislaw Tołwiński activity is not only a spectacular media event. It is mainly all year round work for the youth of the region. Youth Tournament Shooting, Technology and Defensive Maneuvers, International Children's Day or parachute training for general school students held at the airport Ketrzyn Wilamowo are only a few realized projects. It is worth noting that all this was the result of years of consistent commitment to young people and his faith in the young generation.

As members of the Aero Club we are very impressed with President Tołwiński selfless activity. Organized by him social events are always free to the public, which makes everyone free participate in these events. For those who have not had the opportunity to personally get to know our candidate to the Senate, we recommend the website: www.stanislawtolwinski.pl, where you can find more information about his activities.

This year, by voting in elections to the Senate is worth to support Mr. Stanislaw Tołwiński to more effectively he worked for the development of our region. This support during the election campaign, among others were received from Gen. Miroslaw Hermaszewski (cosmonaut), Tadeusz Sznuk (leading program in TV), Kazimierz Kaczor (actor), Mateusz Kusznierewicz (Olympic medalist in sailing), Karol Jablonski (best known Polish sailor in the World) and many others. We believe that as a senator will have even more opportunities to be able to serve the residents and the development of our beautiful region of Masuria.

As members of the Aero Club of the Lake District, while residents of the region strongly encourage everyone to actively participate in the elections to be held as early as next Sunday, and of course vote for Tołwiński Stanislaw-pos. 6 on the letter to the Senate. Actively participating in the forthcoming elections teach them that we are not indifferent to the fate Masuria!

Adam Dziecioł
Director AKJ

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